Others may have similar experiences in some ways but in no way is it identical to yours. You think, feel, and experience the world in your own way. At Everyday Process Counseling Center our licensed professionals offer individual counseling services that are tailored to your experiences.
Maybe you are feeling confused about where you are in life. Perhaps you are feeling grief from the loss of a loved one or relationship as it used to be. Perhaps you are just finding out about a betrayal of trust from someone close to you. Regardless of your unique situation, we all experience seasons of intense disappointment and prolonged sadness from time to time.
Your unique situation deserves to be explored because you are the one experiencing it. Trouble, chaos, regret, difficulty, trial, cheating, worry, doubt, sadness, brokenness, sexual addiction, etc., all eventually become unmanageable. They begin to creep into other areas of your life such as disturbing your sleep, your concentration, other relationships, your emotions, your work, and even your perspective on the future. As hope fades, you seek to escape. Your performance in life starts to dip; shame and despair set in, and then withdrawal from those who love you most. Your unique situation may not have started recently. There is a chance it goes back a while, maybe even as far back as adolescence or childhood.
Things can improve, there is hope, and we want to join you in your journey.
Your situation and feelings are worth exploring. We want to explore the nuances of your unique life to help you set goals, and then reach them.
You are not alone, and you do not need to face this alone.
The frequency and length of a therapy session for an individual can vary due to many factors. The condition you are addressing, the severity of the symptoms, and the extent to which the issues are affecting your daily life can all influence your counseling needs. Some problems we can address with a short-term therapy that lasts a few weeks. When it comes to overcoming more serious issues, though, there may be a requirement for long-term treatment. Overcoming mental struggles is a process, but we are here to help you.
If you have a problem that is interfering with your daily life or causes you consistent distress, it may be time to speak with a counselor. Persistent negative feelings, thoughts, or even behaviors are all signs that you may be struggling with serious issues.
It can sometimes be difficult to admit to ourselves that there is something wrong. We may fear the stigmas related to mental illness negatively impacting our lives. Feelings of shame about past traumas or experiences can also cause people to avoid seeking treatment, but you are not alone, and you do not need to face this alone.
At EPCC we don't judge you on your past. We are here to help you move on to a healthy future.
We are here to help individuals with various kinds of mental health issues. Below you will find some of the services clients regularly see us for, if you want to know more about how we can help you, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Individual counseling can help you regain control of your life
Everyday Process Counseling Center offers individual therapy to residents in and around Troy, MI. We can help individuals struggling to regain control of their lives. Our offices are conveniently located just off of i75 at the big beaver exit.
Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment for your first session.
Studies have shown that a couple is most at risk for divorce during the first ten years of marriage. Premarital preparation seeks to enhance a couple’s awareness of the seasons of marriage and inform them of some of the types of challenges that life may present for them to tackle together. Additionally, many couples seek our premarital counseling services because we also offer Christian premarital counseling that combines spiritually into the preparation.
A couple can expect that premarital counseling will help them explore their family history to identify elements they would like to see repeated in their relationship and components they want to avoid. It's like show and tell, only as a couple that plans on sharing the same living space.
A couple can expect to be introduced to methods of communication so they can speak in ways that enhance the possibility of being heard, and learn to listen in ways that help them tune in to the needs the other is communicating.
Premarital counseling is also useful to teach couples methods for conflict and repair. Conflict is inevitable, so let’s prepare you for it.
Finally, premarital counseling will help couples begin to share an open dialogue about hot-button issues like money, sex, in-laws, religion, roles in the home, sex, the role of social media now that we’re married, and oh yeah, sex.
Premarital counseling with a trained therapist can prepare you for a long and lasting marriage.
Some churches require a couple to go through premarital counseling before they will conduct the ceremony. There are many reasons for this, and you will find some of the biggest below.
For many, their wedding is viewed as a new chapter. Some even go as far as to assume any problems they are currently facing in their relationship will be cleared away with their vows. Unfortunately, this is usually not the case. Leaving this issues unresolved now can lead to more significant setbacks later. Sitting down with a counselor prior to the wedding can help you resolve current conflicts before you walk down the aisle.
For many, their wedding is viewed as a new chapter. Some even go as far as to assume any problems they are currently facing in their relationship will be cleared away with their vows. Unfortunately, this is usually not the case. Leaving this issues unresolved now can lead to more significant setbacks later. Sitting down with a counselor prior to the wedding can help you resolve current conflicts before you walk down the aisle.
While not every marriage will be the same, sitting down with a premarital counselor can provide insight and perspective needed to truly prepare you for your vows. Hearing that your feelings or concerns are valid and finding ways to work through them will help solidify your marriage as a lasting union.
Looking to premarital counseling is in no way admitting that your relationship is in trouble. Even couples that seem perfect to those outside of the relationship can benefit from premarital counseling before taking the next step. More likely than not, the couples you find yourself looking to as role models have at one point sought outside perspectives and wisdom to help strengthen their relationship.
No marriage can survive without clear channels of communication. If you can not openly talk about problems in the relationship, it becomes nearly impossible to resolve them. When you understand how your partner communicates, it improves your ability to listen. Premarital counseling can help you build communication strategies that will work to grow a lasting marriage.
Set the foundation that will allow you to grow a lasting marriage
For most people, marriage comes with some individual expectations. Some of these expectations do not come up in natural conversations outside of marriage and can lead to possible conflicts down the road. Plans for child raising or interactions with in-laws are only a couple examples of areas where issues may arise. A premarital counselor can help you discover topics you have not yet discussed and find resolutions before they become a problem.
Premarital counseling is short-term
We offer preparation packages tailored to suit the needs and time constraints of the couple. Packages range from 5-10 hours. Contact us for further details.
Everyday Process Counseling Center offers premarital therapy to engaged couples in and around Troy, MI. We can help you prepare for a marriage, so the two of you share many happy years together in the future. Our offices are conveniently located just off of i75 at the big beaver exit.
Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment for your first session.
"The most basic question in love is, are you there for me, will you be there for me?" - Sue Johnson
We live in a time where it seems that separation is the only feasible option for marital dissatisfaction, that
marriage counseling isn't even an option. Entertainment outlets, web banners, and even billboards communicate to us on a regular basis that if you are not happy in your relationship, avoid dealing with it. One website claims that "life is short, have an affair." Their message is clear; they want to be your outlet to start something new. They want you to invest in something else. The day you were married you probably sent a clear message of your intentions too. You made vows in front of witnesses that were very specific. You were all in.
But a lot has happened since then. Now you and your spouse constantly fight about intimacy, finances, parenting or any number of other things. The hurt is deep, the damage is great; the differences have become unbearable.
What if you could turn things around and find ways to work through these problems? What if you and your spouse could carve out space in your busy lives to work on the relationship and rediscover what it was that helped you both to fall in love in the first place?
Here is where Everyday Process Counseling Center comes in. We'll work with whatever level of motivation you and your spouse can bring to the table and walk with you both towards a new place.
We'll use assessments to help identify problem areas, emotion-focused methods to help build empathy, and weekly therapy sessions to foster dialogue, tease out the hurt and get the two of you talking and working towards your desired goals for your relationship.
Your relationship may be able to get to a better place; we want to be the skilled helpers to walk alongside you as you get there.
Sitting down with a trained counselor can equip you with the tools needed to get your marriage back on track
Below we have listed some common traits of marriages in need of guidance. If any of the statements below resonate with you, it does not mean your marriage is doomed. If you find a number of them apply to your situation, it may be time to
seek guidance from a counselor.
Maybe you are arguing daily about spending, affection, intimacy, traveling for work or perhaps it is a weekly spat over cleaning the bathroom. Small disagreements that turn into shouting matches can be a sign of larger issues that need resolution. A trained marriage counselor can help not only identify the underlying issues but also help lay the groundwork for working through them and provide you both with new tools for the future.
It is healthy for couples to have different interests, hobbies, and friends. On the other hand, if it feels like your partner is increasingly distant and the two of you are settling into two separate lives, this could be a sign of a growing divide in the marriage. A counselor can help both sides understand what the other is missing and get you back on the path back to a healthy marriage.
It is not impossible for a marriage to recover from one partner's infidelity, but you never know how this decision will play out. I have yet to see a client say, “I’m glad I stepped outside of my marriage to have sex with that person.” Instead of feelings of triumph or success for having an affair, what I see in my office is shame, regret, and damaged trust. Sadly, there are times when that trust is so damaged that one spouse chooses to leave.
The preferred method when entertaining straying thoughts is dealing with the impulse to have an affair before it can take place. If you find yourself fantasizing about being intimate with someone outside of your marriage, it is not too late to get help. Here are two immediate options among others. First, talk to your partner about the unrest you are experiencing with the idea of seeing a counselor together. The second option could be you contact us for individual counseling to help you work through this decision with options that can later turn into couples work if you desire. The big idea here is, get the idea outside of your internal hall of justification. Recognize your thoughts as a reason to seek help.
It is not impossible for a marriage to recover from one partner's infidelity, but you never know how this decision will play out. I have yet to see a client say, “I’m glad I stepped outside of my marriage to have sex with that person.” Instead of feelings of triumph or success for having an affair, what I see in my office is shame, regret, and damaged trust. Sadly, there are times when that trust is so damaged that one spouse chooses to leave.
The preferred method when entertaining straying thoughts is dealing with the impulse to have an affair before it can take place. If you find yourself fantasizing about being intimate with someone outside of your marriage, it is not too late to get help. Here are two immediate options among others. First, talk to your partner about the unrest you are experiencing with the idea of seeing a counselor together. The second option could be you contact us for individual counseling to help you work through this decision with options that can later turn into couples work if you desire. The big idea here is, get the idea outside of your internal hall of justification. Recognize your thoughts as a reason to seek help.
At the start of your marriage, you and your spouse were a team, and there was a tight bond. Somewhere along the way, the sense of oneness began to slip, or maybe it feels gone completely. Perhaps your relationship is like a boat untied from a dock. There wasn’t necessarily a violent storm that ripped the boat away; the current just slowly drifted the boat downstream. If you find yourself feeling detached from your spouse and there isn’t really a big reason that you can cite, don’t wait for it to fix itself. The business of life or the “current” if we keep our boat metaphor going rarely brings a couple back to each other unless they make a conscious effort to focus on their marriage. Let us help you get securely attached again.
If one or both spouses in a marriage choose to cut off the other when they are upset with them, it can create a toxic environment. Minimal responses, passive aggression, or giving a partner the 'silent treatment' or even refusing to show them respect can be indicators of unfinished business from the past that can create continued distress and short circuit a couples goals of being connected in the marriage. We want to help you turn this around.
Open and honest communication is the foundation of any healthy marriage. When that connection starts to break down both partners can feel as though they are unwanted. Finding yourself unable to talk to your partner or uneasy about even trying does not mean you cannot repair your marriage. An experienced marriage counselor can help you both find ways to rebuild the link that brought you together in the first place. A marriage counselor has tools to help you both, rebuild emotional safety in the marriage, learn how to address what is causing fear, and enhance communication so that you share your hearts with each other again.
Constant arguments over seemingly insignificant things can signal bigger issues
Everyday Process Counseling Center offers therapy to married couples in and around Troy, MI. We can help you regain control of your relationship and rebuild your marriage. Our offices are conveniently located just off of i75 at the big beaver exit.
Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment for your first session.
Our brains are hardwired with a mechanism – an information processing system – for healing. This information processing system is designed to move any sort of emotional turmoil to a level of mental health – or adaptive resolution.
After a disturbing experience, you think about it, talk about it, feel about it and mull it over, trying to make sense of what happened. This is the brain’s information processing system taking a disturbing experience and allowing learning to take place. Much of it goes on during REM sleep.
Sadly, disturbing experiences, whether major traumas or other kinds of upsetting events, can overwhelm the system. When that happens, the intense emotional and physical disturbance caused by the situation prevents the information processing system from making the internal connections needed to take it to a resolution. Instead, the memory of the experience becomes stored in the brain as you experienced it. What you saw and felt, the image, the emotions, the physical sensations and the thoughts become encoded in memory in their original, unprocessed form. So, there can be a lack of resolution.
That’s why time doesn’t heal all wounds, and you may still feel anger, resentment, pain, sorrow, or a number of other emotions about events that took place years ago. They are frozen in time, and the unprocessed memories can become the foundation for emotional, and sometimes physical, problems. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from anxiety, depression and/or the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences.
EMDR provides a way to forge adaptive associations between the networks of stored information in the brain and allows new connections to be made, resulting in peace and well being.
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR): This therapy is based on the idea that negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors are the result of unprocessed memories. The treatment involves standardized procedures that include focusing simultaneously on (a) spontaneous associations of traumatic images, thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations and (b) bilateral stimulation that is most commonly in the form of repeated eye movements.
Like many forms of talk therapy with a trauma focus, EMDR aims to reduce subjective distress and strengthen adaptive beliefs related to the traumatic event. Unlike many forms of talk therapy with a trauma focus, EMDR does not involve (a) detailed descriptions of the event, (b) direct challenging of beliefs, (c) extended exposure, or (d) homework.
EMDR is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. Repeated studies show that by using EMDR people can experience the benefits of psychotherapy that once took years to make a difference. It is widely assumed that severe emotional pain requires a long time to heal.
EMDR therapy shows that the mind can in fact heal from psychological trauma much as the body recovers from physical trauma. When you cut your hand, your body works to close the wound. If a foreign object or repeated injury irritates the wound, it festers and causes pain. Once the block is removed, healing resumes.
EMDR therapy demonstrates that a similar sequence of events occurs with mental processes. The brain's information processing system naturally moves toward mental health. If the system is blocked or imbalanced by the impact of a disturbing event, the emotional wound festers and can cause intense suffering. Once the block is removed, healing resumes. Using the detailed protocols and procedures learned in EMDR training sessions, clinicians help clients activate their natural healing processes.
Everyday Process Counseling Center offers EMDR therapy treatments to residents in and around Troy, MI. If you need to overcome and addiction, trauma, or phobia we can help you. Our offices are conveniently located just off of i75 at the big beaver exit.
Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment for your first session.
EMDR Content on this page provided by accesscm.org and by emdr-utah.com
Sexual addiction is something that men and women both encounter, and there can be many reasons why. The biggest encouragement we have for you is that you don't need to struggle with this addiction alone.
Having a
CSAT therapist that has received specialized training in sexual addiction counseling can make all the difference for you and your goals. Through assessments, group counseling,
individual therapy, appropriate workbook materials, and
partner support; we'll come alongside you in your journey. You can not only break free from the grips of addiction, but you can also continue on to a life of healthy living. Reach out to us to get started on your journey to freedom today!
Answer the six questions below truthfully. If your response is, “yes” to just one of these questions, you may find it helpful to explore further with one of our therapists. We have additional assessments to help you. A positive response to three or more means you should seriously consider contacting us right away.
A person suffering from sexual addiction may feel as though sex is taking over their life. Perhaps they find themselves constantly looking at pornography or seeking partners for casual sex. These activities will take up more and more of a person's time until the behavior starts to impact their life negatively.
Sex addicts can often find themselves lying about sexual activities they have engaged in outside of their relationship. They will go to great lengths to hide their behavior from a spouse or significant other, even when they know that their activities put their loved one's health at risk.
CSAT therapy can give you the tools you need to overcome your addiction
Sexual addiction is just that, compulsive sexual behaviors that a person cannot consistently control. Perhaps you have tried seeking help before but were unsuccessful. This does not mean you have to deal with your addiction alone. A certified sexual addiction therapist (CSAT) can help you regain control of your life.
The compulsive behavior often associated with sexual addiction can negatively affect the most intimate parts of a relationship. The effects of this behavior can compromise trust and profoundly hurt those the addict cares about most.
When a person's sexual impulses start taking over, their life can start feeling unmanageable. If you feel as though you could accomplish more with your life if you had your desires under control, please do not hesitate in reaching out to us.
Sex addicts often use sex as a means of coping with problems in their lives, only to discover that they feel worse after the act. There can be a need for more variety and energy in their sexual activities to achieve their desired level of satisfaction. In some cases, a sex addict's self-worth becomes intertwined with their ability to find sufficient sexual satisfaction.
If more than three of these questions resonated with you then it is highly recommended that you reach out and speak with a sex addiction counselor. You can also take the Sexual Addiction Screening Test, a free online survey designed to help individuals tell the difference between addictive and non-addictive sexual behavior.
Click here to learn more.
We offer counseling for couples and groups dealing with the effects of sexual addiction
Everyday Process Counseling Center offers therapy sessions with a certified sex addiction therapist to residents in and around Troy, MI. We can help individuals struggling with sexual addiction to regain control of their lives. Our offices are conveniently located just off of i75 at the Big Beaver exit.
Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment for your first session.
BSP makes use of this natural phenomenon through its use of relevant eye positions. This helps the BSP therapist locate, focus, process and release a wide range of emotionally and bodily-based conditions. We believe that BSP taps into and harnesses the body’s natural self-scanning, self-healing ability. When a Brainspot is stimulated, the deep brain appears to reflexively signal the therapist that the source of the problem has been found. BSP can also be used to find and strengthen our natural resources and resilience.
“Who does it work for?”.
Brainspotting therapy works for everyone. Brainspotting gives the therapist access to both the brain and body. The goal is to bypass the conscious thinking processes of the neo-cortex to get to the deeper more emotional and body-based processes from the sub-cortex part of the brain. Brainspotting can be the primary mode of treatment or it can be integrated in with the expertise that is already being provided.
Partner betrayal trauma is relational trauma which is created by broken trust that is often due to unfaithfulness. It leads to a loss of confidence in your relationship or marriage. This trauma is often caused cheating, infidelity, dishonesty, gaslighting, boundary violations, deception, or other circumstances which cause you to lose faith in your spouse.
If you have been betrayed by your spouse or significant other by infidelity, sex addiction, or multiple affairs, you have certainly experienced the effects of partner betrayal trauma. Your trust was abused, and your hurt is understandable. Your partner betrayal trauma is unique to you and your journey to heal will be unique as well. You are worth recovery and healing for yourself. Take your time and go through what is offered here for you to heal and reclaim your life. Individual along with group therapy is offered. Contact us for group information.
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